Online Casino

Friday 1 April 2011

7card stud

7 card stud

  1. Before the first cards are dealt, each player must post a mandatory bet, known as an ‘ante’.
  2. Once the antes have been posted, all players are dealt three cards- two face down (called hole cards), and one face up (called the door card).
  3. The player with the lowest ranked card by rank and suit must post the first bet, known as the ‘bring-in’. A betting round begins after the bring-in is posted. Betting in this round, and in all rounds from here on, moves clockwise. This first round of betting is known as ‘Third Street’.
  4. After the betting is complete on Third Street, each player receives another card face up. A betting round begins. From this round forward, the player with the highest combination of cards exposed begins the betting. If the highest exposed hand is common to more than one player, the player closest to the left of the dealer begins the betting. This round is known as ‘Fourth Street’.
  5. After betting is complete on Fourth Street, players are each dealt another card face up. Another betting round begins. In this round, and all rounds following, the minimum bet amount doubles- usually to match the highest limit of the game. This round is known as ‘Fifth Street’.
  6. After betting is complete on Fifth Street, players are each dealt one more card face up. Another betting round begins. This round is known as ‘Sixth Street’.
  7. Once betting is complete on Sixth Street, players each receive their final card, face down. The last betting round begins. This round is known as ‘Seventh Street’, or the ‘river’.
  8. Occasionally, there may be too few cards left in the deck to deal each player a card on Seventh Street. In this scenario, a community card would be dealt, face up, for all players to share.
  9. Once the betting on Seventh Street is complete, any players still active must show down their hands. As in all poker games, the player with the highest five-card poker hand wins the pot. Once the pot has been transferred to the winner, the dealer button is moved clockwise, and a new hand begins.

7 Card Stud Hi/Lo:

7 Card Stud Hi-Lo, usually known simply as Stud 8, is fundamentally the same game as Seven Card Stud Hi. There is, however, one important difference:
  1. Rather than aiming to make only the best high five-card poker hand, players can aim to make either the best high or low hand to win the pot.
  2. A five-card poker hand qualifies as a low hand if it contains no card higher than an 8. Hence the name of the game, Stud 8.
  3. If two players make it to showdown, one with a high hand and the other with a low, they must split the pot between them. In order to win the full pot, a player must have both the best high and low hand, or there must be no low hand available.

*NOTE: In 7 Card Stud, card suits are ranked from highest to lowest as follows: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs.

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