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Friday 1 April 2011

Poker Betting RuleZ

Poker Betting Rules

Limit Poker Betting Structure:

  1. Any limit game will have two betting limits specified- one low, and one high. For example, a game of $2/4 Limit Holdem will have blinds of $1 and $2, a low betting limit of $2, and a high betting limit of $4.
  2. The standard bet in the first two betting rounds of a limit poker game is equal to the game’s lowest limit. For example, in a game of $2/4 Seven Card Stud, the bet size will be $2 on both third and fourth streets.
  3. The standard bet in the final three rounds of a limit poker game is equal to the game’s highest limit. For example, in a game of $2/4 Seven Card Stud, the bet size will be $4 on fifth, sixth and seventh streets.
  4. Usually, there can be no more than one bet and three raises per round of betting. Once the third raise has been reached, betting is said to be ‘capped’.

No Limit Poker Betting Structure:

  1. In No Limit games, players are free to bet any amount that they wish as long as it is at least the size of the game’s big blind. For example, in a game of $1/2 No Limit Holdem, players can bet a minimum of $2, and any amount above that as they please.
  2. If a player wishes to raise a bet, the raise must be a minimum of twice the size of the original bet. For example, if Joe has bet $4 in a game of $1/2 No Limit Holdem, and Bill wishes to raise, Bill’s must raise a minimum of $4 extra.
  3. The maximum a player may bet in a No Limit poker game is determined by the amount of money he has in his stack. For example, if Bill has $200 on the table, bill can bet a maximum of $200 dollars- he can not add chips in the middle of a hand.

Pot Limit Poker Betting Structure:

  1. In a game of Pot Limit poker, the minimum bet is always equal to the size of the big blind. For example, in a game of $1/2 Pot Limit Omaha, the minimum bet would be $5.
  2. If a player wishes to raise, he must raise at least the amount of the previous bet on the table. For example, if Joe has bet $2, and Bill wants to raise, Bill’s raise must be at least $2.
  3. In a game of Pot Limit poker, the maximum bet is determined by the size of the accumulated pot. For example, if in a game of Pot Limit Omaha, Joe bets $5 into a $30 pot, and Bill wants to raise, Bill may raise a minimum of $5 and a maximum of $35.

5 Card Draw

5 card draw

The rules of 5 Card Draw are similar to the rules of Holdem. The game is played as follows:
  1. A small dealer button identifies one player as the dealer. The dealer button moves one spot clockwise after every hand.
  2. Before any cards are dealt, players must post any mandatory bets, known as ‘blinds’ or ‘antes’.
    1. In Draw, the player directly to the left of the dealer must post the ‘small blind’.
    2. The player two spots left of the dealer must post the ‘big blind’.
    3. The small blind is most often smaller than the big blind, usually exactly half.
  3. After the mandatory blinds and/or antes are posted, each player is dealt five cards face down.
  4. A betting round begins, beginning with the player to the left of the big blind. This player is said to be ‘under the gun’. As in every other form of poker, players can choose to check, fold, bet or call as appropriate throughout the round of betting.
  5. After the first round of betting, players have the option of discarding up to 5 cards, and exchanging them for new ones. It is not mandatory that players discard and exchange- it is strictly optional. If a player chooses to keep all of his original cards, this is known as ‘staying’.
  6. After each player has discarded and exchanged his desired amount of cards, a second and final round of betting begins. The action starts once again with the player under the gun.
  7. Once the final round of betting is complete, any remaining players must show down their hands. As in all other forms of poker, the player with the best five-card poker hand wins the pot. If two players show down identical hands, they must split the pot.
  8. Once the pot has been transferred to the winner, the dealer button is moved one spot clockwise, and a new hand may begin.

7card stud

7 card stud

  1. Before the first cards are dealt, each player must post a mandatory bet, known as an ‘ante’.
  2. Once the antes have been posted, all players are dealt three cards- two face down (called hole cards), and one face up (called the door card).
  3. The player with the lowest ranked card by rank and suit must post the first bet, known as the ‘bring-in’. A betting round begins after the bring-in is posted. Betting in this round, and in all rounds from here on, moves clockwise. This first round of betting is known as ‘Third Street’.
  4. After the betting is complete on Third Street, each player receives another card face up. A betting round begins. From this round forward, the player with the highest combination of cards exposed begins the betting. If the highest exposed hand is common to more than one player, the player closest to the left of the dealer begins the betting. This round is known as ‘Fourth Street’.
  5. After betting is complete on Fourth Street, players are each dealt another card face up. Another betting round begins. In this round, and all rounds following, the minimum bet amount doubles- usually to match the highest limit of the game. This round is known as ‘Fifth Street’.
  6. After betting is complete on Fifth Street, players are each dealt one more card face up. Another betting round begins. This round is known as ‘Sixth Street’.
  7. Once betting is complete on Sixth Street, players each receive their final card, face down. The last betting round begins. This round is known as ‘Seventh Street’, or the ‘river’.
  8. Occasionally, there may be too few cards left in the deck to deal each player a card on Seventh Street. In this scenario, a community card would be dealt, face up, for all players to share.
  9. Once the betting on Seventh Street is complete, any players still active must show down their hands. As in all poker games, the player with the highest five-card poker hand wins the pot. Once the pot has been transferred to the winner, the dealer button is moved clockwise, and a new hand begins.

7 Card Stud Hi/Lo:

7 Card Stud Hi-Lo, usually known simply as Stud 8, is fundamentally the same game as Seven Card Stud Hi. There is, however, one important difference:
  1. Rather than aiming to make only the best high five-card poker hand, players can aim to make either the best high or low hand to win the pot.
  2. A five-card poker hand qualifies as a low hand if it contains no card higher than an 8. Hence the name of the game, Stud 8.
  3. If two players make it to showdown, one with a high hand and the other with a low, they must split the pot between them. In order to win the full pot, a player must have both the best high and low hand, or there must be no low hand available.

*NOTE: In 7 Card Stud, card suits are ranked from highest to lowest as follows: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs.


Omaha poker

Omaha Hi poker, usually known simply as Omaha, is very similar to Texas Holdem. There are two main differences between the games:
  1. In Omaha, instead of receiving only two hole cards, each player receives four.
  2. In Omaha, players must use exactly two of their hole cards in combination with three community cards to make their five-card poker hand.
Structurally, Omaha is pretty much the same game as Holdem. Let’s take a look at the rules:
  1. A small dealer button identifies one player as the dealer. The dealer button moves clockwise around the table, and is passed at the end of every hand.
  2. All blinds, antes or other required bets must be put into the pot before any cards are dealt. In Omaha.
    1. The player directly to the left of the dealer posts the small blind.
    2. The player two spots to the left of the dealer posts the big blind.
    3. Generally, the small blind is half the size of the big blind.
  3. After the required bets have been placed, four hole cards are dealt face down to each player. A betting round begins, beginning with the player to the left of the big blind. This player is said to be ‘under the gun’.
  4. Once betting has completed in the first round, three community cards are dealt face up, for all players to use. A second betting round follows the deal, beginning with the player in the small blind. This betting round is known as the ‘flop’, or ‘Third Street’.
  5. Once betting has completed on the flop, one community card is dealt face up, for all players to use. A third betting round follows the deal, beginning again with the player in the small blind. This betting round is known as the ‘turn’, or ‘Fourth Street’.
  6. Once betting has completed on the turn, a final community card is dealt face up, for all players to use. A fourth and final betting round follows the deal, beginning once more with the player in the small blind. This betting round is known as the ‘river’, or ‘Fifth Street’.
  7. Once all betting is complete on the river, any players remaining in the hand must show down their cards. All players still involved must compare their five-card poker hands. The pot is handed over to the player with the highest ranked hand.

Omaha Hi-Lo (Omaha 8):

Omaha Hi-Lo, usually known as Omaha 8, is structurally the exact same game as Omaha Hi. There is, however, one fundamental difference:
  1. In Omaha 8, players can aim to make either the best high poker hand, or the best low poker hand. In the case that one player shows down a winning high hand, and the other shows down a winning low hand, the two players split the pot. In order to win the full pot at showdown, a player must have both the best high and low hand, or there must be no low hand in play.

Texas Hold'em

Texas hold'em :

  1. A small dealer button identifies one player as the dealer. The dealer button moves clockwise to the next player after every completed hand.
  2. Before any cards are dealt to the players, any enforced bets must be put into the pot. These enforced bets are usually in the forms of blind bets and antes.
    1. The first player to the dealers left must post the first blind bet, called the small blind.
    2. The second player to the dealers left must post the second blind bet, called the big blind.
    3. The small blind is usually smaller then the big blind- hence the terms ‘small’ and ‘big’ as identifiers. In most games, the small blind will be half of the big blind.
  3. Each player is dealt two cards face down, called hole cards. A players hole cards may be used only by him, and are visible to nobody.
  4. After the deal, the player to the left of the big blind must open the betting action by either calling the big blind, raising, or folding. All players participate in the first round of betting, and continue to the next.
  5. In the next round, known as the flop, or Third Street, three community cards are dealt face up. Betting begins with the player to the left of the dealer. A betting round ensues.
  6. After betting ceases on the flop, a fourth community card is dealt face up for all players to use. A new round of betting begins. This round is known as the turn, or Fourth Street. On Fourth Street, the bet amount doubles to the game’s highest limit.
  7. Once betting is complete on the turn, a fifth and final community card is dealt face up. A betting round follows, known as the river, or Fifth Street. This is the final round of betting in a hand of Holdem.
  8. After the final round of betting, any players remaining in the round must show down their hands. The player with the highest ranked five-card poker hand wins the pot. If two players show down identical hands for a tie, they must split the pot.
  9. The round of Holdem is over after the pot has been returned to the winner, and dealer button moves clockwise to prepare for a new hand.

    Basic RuleZ Of Poker

    Basic Terms:

    Hand: A player’s hand is the combination of cards he holds.

    Play: A single game, from one shuffle to the next is called a play.

    Pot: The pot is the accumulated pool of money bet by players over the course of a game. A round of poker is a battle for the pot, and the winner of any round wins it as a prize.

    Hand Tie or Split Pot: If two players have the same hand then they divide the pot equally between them. When the pool is not exactly divisible then the left over amount goes to the player who called the highest bet.

    Ante: An enforced bet that must be made by all players before any cards are dealt. An ante encourages action in a game.

    Rake: A commission charged by a poker room for every hand played. The rake is usually taken as a percentage of the pot in a given hand. For example, if the rake is 10%, and a pot reaches a final of $10, the rake will be $1. Poker rooms generally use rake as their sole source of revenue.

    Showdown: After the last round of betting in a round of poker, a showdown occurs- players must turn over their cards, and compare their five-card poker hands.

    Betting Terms:

    Call: A player may call a bet by putting an amount of money exactly equal to the bet into the pot. For example, if Jim bets $2, and Brian wants to call Jim’s bet, Brian must put $2 into the pot.

    Fold: A player may fold his hand by laying down his cards, and forfeiting further play in a round of poker. For example, if Jim bets $2 and Brian wishes to fold, Brian must surrender his cards to the dealer, and will remain inactive for the rest of the round.

    Raise: A player may raise a previous bet by putting an amount greater than the bet into the pot. A raise must be at least double the size of the previous bet. For example, if Jim bets $2, and Brian wants to raise Jim’s bet, Brian may put $4 or more into the pot.

    Check: A player may pass his turn in a round of poker without taking any betting action, only if there are no previous bets in the round. This is known as a check. For instance, if Brian is first to act on the flop in a hand, he has the option of checking his hand, which will put the action on the next player.

    Hand Rankings:

    Know the order of cards, from low to high- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack (J), Queen (Q), King (K) and Ace (A). The ace (A) can usually double as the lowest ranked card as well as the highest. Card suits do not affect ranking- for example, the king of hearts and the king of spades are equal. Final hands in poker are always based on the total rank of five cards.
    Familiarize yourself with the definitions of different hands, and with the value of each type. The different categories of five-card poker hands are as follows, from weakest to highest: One Pair, Two pair, Three of a kind, Straight, Flush, Full house, Four of a kind, Straight flush and Royal flush. A given hand beats all hands listed before it.

  1. One pair consists of two cards out of a five-card hand with the same numerical rank. For example: A-A-K-7-6 (a pair of aces), or J-J-8-5-3 (a pair of jacks). If two players show down one pair hands of the same rank, they must compare their next highest card (the kicker) to determine the winner. If the two hands have equal kickers, then the next highest card must be compared- and so on. For example, A-A-7-6-5 (a pair of aces, 6 kicker) beats A-A-7-3-2 (a pair of aces, 3 kicker), since the 6 is a higher ranked card than the 3 ....

  2. Two pair consists of two different pairs of cards and one other card in a five-card hand. Examples of two pair hands are A-A-K-K-5 (two pair, aces and kings, 5 kicker), and J-J-10-10-7 (jacks and tens, 7 kicker). If two players both show down two pair hands with equal top pairs, the lower pairs are compared, and the highest wins. For example A-A-K-K-5 (aces and kings) beats A-A-J-J-3 (aces and jacks). If both pairs are the same, the kickers are compared. For example, A-A-10-10-5 (aces and tens, 5 kicker) beats A-A-10-10-4 (aces and tens, 4 kicker). 

  3. Three of a kind consists of three cards of the same numerical rank in a five-card poker hand. Examples of three of a kind would be A-A-A-3-2 (three of a kind aces), and 5-5-5-K-J (three of a kind fives). If two or more players show down three of a kind hands of equal rank, then the players must compare their kickers. As with pair hands, the hand with the highest kicker wins. For example, K-K-K-A-10 (three of a kind kings, ace and 10 kicker) beats K-K-K-A-9 (three of a kind kings, ace and 9 kicker), since 10 is higher in rank than 9.

  4. Straight consists of five cards in sequential order, of different suits. For example, 6-5-4-3-2 is a 6-high straight. Q-J-10-9-8 is a queen high straight. 5-4-3-2-A is the lowest possible straight, and is known as the ‘wheel’

  5. Flush consists of five cards in non-sequential order, all of the same suit. For example, A-9-7-5-2 of hearts is an ace high heart flush. K-J-8-6-3 all of spades is a king high spade flush. If two players both show down flushes, then they must compare their top cards to determine a winner. The highest ranked card wins. If these are equal, then they must compare their second highest cards, and the highest wins. If those are equal, then the third highest cards must be compared- and so on. For example, J-9-7-5-2 of hearts beats J-9-7-4-3 of hearts, since the 5 is of higher rank than the 4.

  6. Full House consists of three cards of the same numerical value, as well as a pair. It is useful to think of a full house as containing both three of a kind and a pair. For example, A-A-A-5-5 is a full house, aces full of 5’s. 6-6-6-2-2 is a full house, sixes full of 2’s. If two players show down full houses with three of a kinds of equal rank, the hand with the highest ranked pair would win the pot. For example, K-K-K-8-8 would beat K-K-K-2-2.

  7. Four of a kind consists of four cards of the same numerical rank, and any other card. An example of four of a kind would be, A-A-A-A-3 (four of a kind, aces).

  8. Straight Flush consists of five cards in sequential order, all of the same suit. For example, 7-6-5-4-3 of hearts is a 7-high straight flush.

  9. Royal Flush consists of A-K-Q-J-10, all of the same suit. A royal flush is simply the highest possible straight flush- however because of its very high value, it is given a separate name. The suit of the royal flush does not matter- all of them are equal.

  10. Any five-card poker hand that does not fit into one of the above categories is simply known as a high-card hand. When comparing two such hands, the one with the better highest card wins. If the highest cards are equal the second highest cards are compared. If those are equal, the third highest cards are compared, and so on. For example, A-J-9-5-3 (ace high, jack kicker) beats A-10-9-6-4 (ace high, 10 kicker), since the J is higher ranked than the 10.

  11. Thank you for more reading my tutorial hope you liked it :) Explore my blog for more :)

    Types Of Poker

    Texas holdem

    Texas Holdem is by far the most popular form of card game played around the world, both online and in casinos. Texas Holdem can be played with as few as two players, and with up to ten. The game is well-liked both in the US and abroad because of its fast paced gameplay and simple rules. A round of Holdem consists of four betting rounds. Each player receives two cards face down (known as hole cards), and five community cards are dealt face-up for all players to use. The player with the highest five-card poker hand at showdown wins the pot. Learn more here


    Omaha Hi is a variation of Holdem that is growing quickly in popularity. It can be played with as few as two players, and as many as ten. The game consists of four betting rounds. Each player in a game of Omaha Hi is dealt four cards face down (hole cards), and five community cards are dealt face up for all players to share. Each player must combine exactly two of their hole cards with three community cards to make the best possible five-card poker hand.

    A variant of Omaha Hi is Omaha 8, or Omaha Hi-Lo. Omaha 8 shares the same basic structure as Omaha Hi, however rather than aiming to make only the best high five-card poker hand, players can also aim to make the best low five-card poker hand as well. Learn more here

    Seven card stud

    Seven-Card Stud is another popular version of poker, played between two and eight players. Betting in Seven Card Stud consists of an initial ante, followed by five betting rounds. Each player in a game of stud receives three cards face down, and four cards that must be exposed for all players to see. The goal of Seven-Card Stud is to make the best five-card poker hand with the given seven cards.

    Stud 8, also known as Seven-Card Stud Hi-Lo is a variation of Seven-Card Stud. Players in a round of Stud 8 can aim to make either the best high five-card poker hand, or the best low five-card poker hand. Learn more here

    Five card draw

    Five Card Draw is one of the oldest known variations of poker. The game can be played with between two and five players. Betting in Five Card Draw consists of an initial Ante, followed by two rounds of betting. Each player in a game of Draw receives five cards face down, and may discard or draw up to five cards after the first betting round. The player with the highest five-card poker hand at showdown wins the pot. Learn more here

    Caribbean stud poker

    All of the poker variations mentioned so far involve betting against other players. Caribbean Stud is different- in this card game, everyone plays against the casino or house, which acts as a bank (dealer). The house pays out all winning bets. To win a round of Caribbean Stud, a player must beat only the dealer’s hand- players in the game do not compete between each other.

    Wanna learn more about each of them ?? Stay tuned...